Indian Achievers' Forum

10 Best Bangalore Women Entrepreneurs

Vocal coaches/facilitators of VOXCOACH

Indian Achievers' Forum
Inspiring change and entreprenurship through the discernment that the power lies within us
VOXCOACH (OPC) PVT. LTD. is a voice training venture for everybody! Your one-stop-shop for professional vocal techniques training for singers, voice enthusiasts and artists
Improve your vocal flow and standard of communication today! Training is one-on-one, both online and offline. Courses are aligned to either songs of different languages & genres, for singers, or to a specific area of work and desired outcomes, for other voice artists and working professionals. Vocal warm-up exercises are aptly complemented with essential Voice Science. Voice therapy is relevant to medical cases, to alleviate vocal trauma.
General outcomes- improvement in vocal tone, vocal flexibility, enhanced breath control, vocal strength & longevity, to name a few. Come, develop the confidence to attempt challenging vocal feats!

Pro Vocal Techniques
Beginner's Level
A strong foundational course focusing on basic voice anatomy and vocal exercises that allow the voice to become flexible
Confidence of vocalization, breath control, vocal range and diction improve by leaps and bounds, and it is open for both singing & speech.
You can directly enroll for beginner's level courses- singing or speech.

Pro Vocal Techniques
Advanced Level
Includes techniques that work best when the foundation is strong, called embellishment techniques such as resonance, mixed voice, etc. that add body to the voice and make it stronger. Flexibility to explore different vocal textures and styles will improve greatly.
This requires screening before you begin training.

Targeted Short-term Training
A tailor-made regimen that caters to desirable outputs which are outside the ambit of fixed courses
Voice anatomy, voice science and vocal exercises are covered.
Voice workshops, corporate training (sales, marketing, etc.), public speaking & oratory training fall under this category.
This requires consultation with the vocal coach and further custom design of the framework based on desired outcome.
Breath Control & Vocal Flow
Segment 3
(Recorded Course)
Supported by scientific insights, illustrations and exercises, this course will help you improve the quality of your voice. Segment 3 covers our breathwork machinery and breathing process, supported by vocal exercises that will transform your voices immediately.
Singing Reality Show
"Yede Thumbi Haduvenu" Winner- 2021
Playback Singer, Musician
Actor, Model, DJ, Karaoke Jockey

Inika Sunil (10 years)
Ishanvi (10 years)
Vasu Dixit
Aspiring Singer, Student
Aspiring Singer, Student
Artist, Singer & Musician
Lead Singer- Swarathma